Jannie de Villiers, Chief Executive Officer of Grain SA said: “This time last year, producers in the midst of the worst drought in decades were encouraging each other and exchanging plans during the Nampo Harvest Day. This year we shared each other’s joy at the promising harvest at hand. The public enjoyed the convivial atmosphere and yearned for information on how the agricultural industry could help to create a better future. Members of a European trade delegation visiting the Harvest Day even referred to the family spirit and sense of security they experienced among the Harvest Day visitors.”
Nampo’s main objective is to connect farmers and suppliers, but the importance of networking and the forming of partnerships and relationships is a key factor, without which the agricultural industry cannot survive. Various visitors from Africa, the neighbouring countries and local politicians were received and addressed by Grain SA during the Harvest Day. International visitors looking for local partnerships and distribution opportunities were also a common sight at the Harvest Day. Press release. To read more, click HERE.