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In line with its commitment to environmental welfare, Fair Cape Dairies has introduced approximately 21 million African Honey Bees to pollinate the canola crops that are
The National Commissioner of the South African Police, General Khehla John Sitole together with other senior officers engaged in a meeting with Agri SA, TLU SA,
TLU SA hopes the government, minister of police Bheki Cele, and criminals take note of the growing feeling of resistance under South African farmers. A big
by Johan van den Berg Independent agricultural meteorologist (MScAgric, Agricultural meteorology, UFS) Important issues: The winter of 2020 continued, and frost damage occurred in the last
deur Johan van den Berg Onafhanklike landbouweerkundige (MScAgric, Landbouweerkunde, UFS) Belangrike inligting Die winter van 2020 het steeds redelik intens voortgeduur in September en rypskade het
by Paul Makube, Senior Agricultural Economist at FNB 01 October 2020 – Against the backdrop of a contracting overall economy with South Africa’s gross domestic product
In June 2020, retail sales quantities of seven of the nine dairy products being measured by Nielson were between 6 and 18 per cent higher than
In line with its ongoing commitment to the social welfare of South African communities, the Fair Cape Cares Foundation recently pledged to the ongoing sponsorship of
MEDIA RELEASE HIGH PROTEIN RECOVERY TO BENEFIT BOTH PROFESSIONALS AND YOUTHS First Choice, one of South Africa’s leading milk and dairy product brands, has partnered
Following the increased number of attacks and murders taking place on farming and rural communities in KwaZulu-Natal, the KZN Agricultural Union, Kwanalu, handed over a
MEDIA RELEASE INITIATIVE AIMED AT WOMEN IN TOWNSHIP ECONOMY Woodlands Dairy has launched its Umthombo Enterprise Development Initiative, a platform to create economic and social
Comment by Paul Makube, Senior Agricultural Economist at FNB Agri-Business 18 September 2020: After cutting the repo rate by 300 basis points so far this year,
MPO AANWYSER 13/22 SEPTEMBER 2020 Die raming vir die produksie van onverwerkte melk vir Augustus 2020 is 228 miljoen liter, 1,5% minder as in Augustus
MPO POINTER 13/22 SEPTEMBER 2020 Unprocessed milk production for August 2020 is estimated at 288 million litres, 1,5% less than in August 2019. Cumulative unprocessed
In various industries, especially ours, many people dread record-keeping and therefore avoid it. One of the reasons is that it is perceived as taking a
MPO AANWYSER 12/17 September 2020 LAgri Inspec maak gebruik van hoërisikofilters en tegnieke wat as vroeë waarskuwingstekens dien, as drastiese verandering in die invoerlandskap van
MPO POINTER 12/17 September 2020 Agri Inspec employs various high-level risk filters and techniques that serve as early warning signs if drastic changes occur in
MPO Flash 8/17 September 2020 Unprocessed milk production for August 2020 is estimated at 288 million litres, 1,5% less than in August 2019. Cumulative unprocessed milk